DREAMers On Grounds
DREAMers on GROUNDS has three main purposes: to provide a safe space for DREAMers and Allies, to better the experiences of DREAMers, to inform the UVa and Greater Cville community about the unique issues and challenges undocumented students undergo.
You can find more information about DREAMers On Grounds, here: https://atuva.student.virginia.edu/organization/DREAMers
Student Groups at UVa
- DREAMers on Grounds: https://www.facebook.com/dreamersongrounds/
- Latino Student Alliance: https://atuva.student.virginia.edu/organization/latinostudentalliance
- Office of the Dean of Students — Latinx, Hispanic, and Latin American Students: http://www.virginia.edu/deanofstudents/lhla/student/
- Office of the Dean of Students — Middle Eastern Student Organizations
Across the US
- Database of colleges and universities that have written petitions or letters of support for DACA students
- Map of campaigns within the US
- Letter of support signed by 400 college presidents (including President Teresa Sullivan)
On Monday, November 13th, Anne-Garland Mahler and Allison Bigelow, both of the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, with joint appointments in the Programs in Latin American Studies and the Americas Center/Centro de las Américas, wrote an open letter to President Teresa Sullivan, in consultation with the student group DREAMers on Grounds, requesting that the university formally and publicly pledge to support DACA students. On Friday, November 18th, the letter was sent to President Sullivan’s office, along with 700 signatures from faculty, staff, students, and alumni. In it, we request various forms of support to DACA Students. In the days that followed, more than 100 additional faculty, staff, students, and alumni signed the letter, which is available here.
Together, we represent the following departments and schools at the University of Virginia: